0 votes
by (120 points)

I am trying to connect vis SSH to Dell iDrac using Rebex. On Dell docs I can see:
"SSH clients now require both password authentication and keyboard interactive authentication before allowing a user to log in to iDRAC. If you see a message - "Further authentication required.", you have to include keyboard interactive authentication in your login attempt."

Here is my code sample:

    var sshClient = new Ssh();
    sshClient.LogWriter = new Rebex.FileLogWriter(@"C:\dev\debug.log", Rebex.LogLevel.Verbose);
    sshClient.Settings.SshParameters.AuthenticationMethods = SshAuthenticationMethod.Password | SshAuthenticationMethod.KeyboardInteractive;
    sshClient.AuthenticationRequest += (object sender, SshAuthenticationRequestEventArgs args) =>
            foreach (SshAuthenticationRequestItem prompt in args.Items)
                prompt.Response = Console.ReadLine();

    sshClient.Connect(Hostname, Port);

Below you can find debug log excerpt:

2024-02-13 10:15:39.003 DEBUG Ssh(1)[18] SSH: Server supports
extension info extension. 2024-02-13 10:15:39.012 INFO Ssh(1)[17] SSH:
Authentication request. 2024-02-13 10:15:39.814 VERBOSE Ssh(1)[17]
SSH: Sending packet SSHMSGSERVICEREQUEST (17 bytes). 0000
|05-00-00-00-0C-73-73-68 2D-75-73-65-72-61-75-74| .....ssh-useraut
0010 |68 | h 2024-02-13
10:15:39.958 VERBOSE Ssh(1)[18] SSH: Received packet
MSGSERVICEACCEPT (17 bytes). 0000 |06-00-00-00-0C-73-73-68
2D-75-73-65-72-61-75-74| .....ssh-useraut 0010 |68
| h 2024-02-13 10:15:39.960 VERBOSE Ssh(1)[17] SSH: Sending packet
SSHMSGUSERAUTHREQUEST (41 hidden bytes). 2024-02-13 10:15:40.114
VERBOSE Ssh(1)[18] SSH: Received packet SSH
bytes). 0000 |33-00-00-00-12-70-75-62 6C-69-63-6B-65-79-2C-70|
3....publickey,p 0010 |61-73-73-77-6F-72-64-00 | assword. 2024-02-13 10:15:40.115 DEBUG Ssh(1)[17] SSH: Allowed
authentication methods for 'myUser': publickey, password.
2024-02-13 10:15:40.118 INFO Ssh(1)[17] SSH: Authentication request.
2024-02-13 10:15:41.300 DEBUG Ssh(1)[17] SSH: Trying password
authentication for 'myUser'. 2024-02-13 10:15:41.300 VERBOSE
Ssh(1)[17] SSH: Sending packet SSHMSGUSERAUTHREQUEST (58 hidden
bytes). 2024-02-13 10:15:42.057 VERBOSE Ssh(1)[18] SSH: Received
packet SSH
|33-00-00-00-1E-70-75-62 6C-69-63-6B-65-79-2C-6B| 3....publickey,k
0010 |65-79-62-6F-61-72-64-2D 69-6E-74-65-72-61-63-74|
eyboard-interact 0020 |69-76-65-01
| ive. 2024-02-13 10:15:42.057 DEBUG Ssh(1)[17] SSH: Partially
successful. 2024-02-13 10:15:42.091 ERROR Ssh(1)[17] SSH:
Rebex.Net.SshException: Authentication was partially successful, but
server requires additional authentication with:
'publickey,keyboard-interactive'. at
Rebex.Net.SshSession.ojmcd(String p0, String p1, Boolean p2) at
Rebex.Net.SshSession.gzngd(String p0, String p1, SshPrivateKey p2,
SshGssApiCredentials p3, Boolean p4)

You may also find useful excerpt from putty

login as: myUser
myUser@'s password:
Further authentication required

When using putty "Further authentication required" prompt appears and after ~1s I receive "admin1->" prompt. In Rebex AuthenticationRequest event I don't see this prompt.

Please advice how to configure Rebex in order to connect to this machine.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (149k points)
edited by

Rebex libraries don't currently support a combination of "password" and "keyboard-interactive" authentication, mostly because no one asked for it yet. We'll look into it and hopefully add this feature to the next release!

Update: This has been added to version 7.0.8816.

by (120 points)
Hi Lukas,
Thanks for your answer. And looking forward for new release.
by (149k points)
Hi Marek, we just published v7.0.8816 that adds support for  a combination of "password" and "keyboard-interactive" authentication: https://www.rebex.net/ssh-pack/history.aspx#7.0.8816
by (120 points)
Thanks for really prompt response.