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by (150 points)

In my config.yaml I have the following on the logging section:

    location: C:\RebexProxy\x64\Logs\
    minLevel: Information
    location: C:\RebexProxy\x64\Logs\
    minLevel: Information

Is there a way to set a maximum amount of size that the log folder can have or a way to clean old logs and define what age a log is considered 'old'?

Thank you.

Best regards,


1 Answer

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by (74.3k points)
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Best answer

Unfortunately, this is not configurable.

Current settings are:

  • Max file size = 1GB.
  • File retention = 31 files.

However, we consider to make it configurable in one of future versions.

by (150 points)
Thank you very much for the hasty reply and the info.
I will go with a workaround.

Have a good day.