I'm trying to upload files to a server that connects with a Private Key. We need to preserve the date of the files, so we have client.Settings.RestoreDateTime = ItemDateTimes.LastWriteTime, and the TransferMethod on the upload is set to TransferMethod.Move. We get the below error when we upload:
2023-09-25 21:31:16.241 +08:00 [WRN] FtpSiteActions.Connect: Getting Private key with passphrase
2023-09-25 21:31:16.830 +08:00 [INF] ***Executing Definition - Starting upload for definition 26***
2023-09-25 21:31:17.412 +08:00 [WRN] UPLOAD failed for C:\Datafiles\Uploads
2023-09-25 21:31:17.427 +08:00 [ERR] Cannot upload file ('C:\Datafiles\Uploads\5020_Uploads_TEST.csv'). Unsupported operation; SETSTAT unsupported.
Rebex.Net.SftpException: Cannot upload file ('C:\Datafiles\Uploads\5020_Uploads_TEST.csv'). Unsupported operation; SETSTAT unsupported.
---> Rebex.Net.SftpException: Unsupported operation; SETSTAT unsupported.
at kpta.drdr(omwn arv, Type arw)
at kpta.drdd(String aqg, SftpAttributes aqh, kpsk aqi)
at Rebex.Net.Sftp.qbes(String uk, SftpAttributes ul, kpsk um)
at Rebex.Net.Sftp.qbdr(kpub qm, kpsk qn, String qo, String qp, Int64 qq, Int64 qr, Int64 qs, omxj qt)
at kpsv.rfig(kpub anj, String ank, String anl, Int64 anm, Int64 ann)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at omxg.egzt(Exception ewq, TransferProblemType ewr, omxd ews, omxd ewt, BatchProblemReactions ewu, BatchProblemReactions ewv, BatchProblemReactions& eww)
at omxg.egzs(Exception ewj, String ewk, TransferProblemType ewl, omxd ewm, omxd ewn, BatchProblemReactions ewo, BatchProblemReactions& ewp)
at omxg.egzl(String evk, String evl, omxd evm, omxd evn, omxd evo, omxd evp, Boolean evq, Boolean evr, Boolean evs)
at omxg.egzk(omxe evj)
at omxg.egzh()
at omxg.egzc(TransferAction euu, omxc euv, String euw, TransferMethod eux, MoveMode euy, LinkProcessingMode euz, ActionOnExistingFiles eva, omxd evb)
at Rebex.Net.Sftp.qbev(TransferAction ut, kpsk uu, kpsu uv, String uw, TransferMethod ux, MoveMode uy, LinkProcessingMode uz, ActionOnExistingFiles va)
at Rebex.Net.Sftp.qbfn(Object wv, Enum ww, Object[] wx)
at omjz.gsbm(Object iz)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
If I upload the same files to our sftp sever we don't get the SETSTAT unsupported error, so it appears to be a setting on the server. It also appears that the file is uploaded, but it's not deleted when the upload has completed?