We are seeing following error while connecting to Office365.
We have implemented non-interactive/client credential flow.
What could be the reason behind this error?
I can see x-ms-diagnostics: 2000008;reason="The token contains not enough scope to make this call.";error_category="invalid_grant"
header, is this because the appropriate API permissions are not assigned to the App or something else?
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Received response: 403 .
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Received 28 headers.
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Cache-Control: private
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: request-id: 828aac02-005f-6696-fcee-7ecc603d6e47
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Alt-Svc: h3=":443",h3-29=":443"
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-CalculatedBETarget: SG2PR03MB5022.apcprd03.prod.outlook.com
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-BackEndHttpStatus: 403
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Set-Cookie: XXXX
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: WWW-Authenticate: Bearer clientid="00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", trustedissuers="00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@*", token_types="app_asserted_user_v1 service_asserted_app_v1", error="invalid_token"
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-RUM-Validated: 1
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-RUM-NotUpdateQueriedPath: 1
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-RUM-NotUpdateQueriedDbCopy: 1
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: x-ms-appId: XXXX
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Restrict-Access-Confirm: 1
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: x-ms-diagnostics: 2000008;reason="The token contains not enough scope to make this call.";error_category="invalid_grant"
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-BeSku: WCS5
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-DiagInfo: SG2PR03MB5022
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-BEServer: SG2PR03MB5022
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-Proxy-RoutingCorrectness: 1
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-Proxy-BackendServerStatus: 403
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-FirstHopCafeEFZ: XSP
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-FEProxyInfo: SG2PR03CA0108.APCPRD03.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-FEEFZInfo: XSP
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: X-FEServer: SG2PR03CA0108
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 11:22:56 GMT
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Content-Length: 0
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Response Content-Length: 0 bytes.
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Response Connection not specified; using 'keep-alive'.
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Response Content-Encoding not specified.
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Response Transfer-Encoding not specified.
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: exchangecookie cookie: XXXX
2023-03-14 19:22:57.010 INFO Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Request failed: 403
2023-03-14 19:22:57.057 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Received content (0 bytes).
2023-03-14 19:22:57.057 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Closing response stream.
2023-03-14 19:22:57.119 ERROR Ews(1)[3] EWS: GetFolderId failed: System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at idbot.quneu.znyhy(XmlReader p0)
at idbot.tfwxw.cutui(Stream p0)
at idbot.nvplb.kgnpx(Stream p0)
at idbot.nvplb.kclcy[T](String p0, Object p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.psqlp(EwsFolderId p0, srqvf p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.idbot.xuyqj.nlesa()
at Rebex.Net.Ews.ppgmj[T](String p0, Func1 p1, rafjh p2)
2023-03-14 19:22:57.119 ERROR Ews(1)[3] EWS: Login failed: Rebex.Net.EwsException: Root element is missing. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at idbot.quneu.znyhy(XmlReader p0)
at idbot.tfwxw.cutui(Stream p0)
at idbot.nvplb.kgnpx(Stream p0)
at idbot.nvplb.kclcy[T](String p0, Object p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.psqlp(EwsFolderId p0, srqvf p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.idbot.xuyqj.nlesa()
at Rebex.Net.Ews.ppgmj[T](String p0, Func
1 p1, rafjh p2)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Rebex.Net.Ews.ppgmj[T](String p0, Func1 p1, rafjh p2)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.aswil(EwsFolderId p0)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.idbot.fdvwo.xyvvf()
at Rebex.Net.Ews.ppgmj[T](String p0, Func
1 p1, rafjh p2)
2023-03-14 19:22:57.166 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] EWS: Executing Disconnect method.
2023-03-14 19:22:57.166 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Closing HTTP session (1).