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by (330 points)

Is it possible to send an email with a deferred send time, it seems this can be done via extended ExtendedProperties:


Could you consider adding this to Rebex.Mail.MailMessage?

Alternatively when using 'client.StoreMessage(EwsFolderId.Drafts, mail);' on a shared mailbox if you send the message via outlook it sends it from the primary mailbox instead.

Applies to: Rebex Secure Mail

2 Answers

0 votes
by (330 points)
edited by
Best answer

Build 7.0.8581 from 2023-06-29 now includes feature "EWS: Added support for delayed sending to Ews.SendMessage method."


+1 vote
by (149k points)

This looks like a useful feature and seems simple to add - we'll consider it for one of the next releases. I think we will extend the Ews API instead of the MailMessage class (because deferred sending is an EWS feature rather than MIME feature). If that doesn't suit your needs, let us know.

As for the StoreMessage behavior, we'll look into this. I guess that the interaction of 'from', sender', 'on behalf of' with shared mailboxes is somewhat tricky.

by (330 points)
Thank you, please don't prioritise this feature for time being I just store the emails and send them on a scheduled task.