I'm trying to integrate the OAuth2 login on Office365 in our app.
I've converted this sample in donet framework 4.8 : https://github.com/rebexnet/RebexExtras/tree/master/Office365_OAuth2_IdentityClient/EwsOAuthAppOnlyConsole_IdentityClient
And I've got an execption (details below)on this line : Await client.LoginAsync(accessToken, EwsAuthentication.OAuth20)
The accessToken is well filled
Exception and log level debug :
Authenticating via Office365...
Connecting to EWS...
Authenticating to EWS...
Error: Rebex.Net.EwsException: Root element is missing. ---> Rebex.Net.EwsException: Root element is missing. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at sfpmj.izcux.ymixu(XmlReader p0)
at sfpmj.xseyv.bxiva(Stream p0)
at sfpmj.cuajy.luwkk(gsnkd p0)
at sfpmj.cuajy.melup[T](String p0, Object p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.cdgrw(EwsFolderId p0, rmcbm p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.kzrqz.aoedu()
at Rebex.Net.Ews.dzvaj[T](String p0, Func1 p1, matxv p2)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Rebex.Net.Ews.dzvaj[T](String p0, Func
1 p1, matxv p2)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.ykvwe(EwsFolderId p0)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.asvjq.kgiye()
at Rebex.Net.Ews.dzvaj[T](String p0, Func1 p1, matxv p2)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Rebex.Net.Ews.dzvaj[T](String p0, Func
1 p1, matxv p2)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.csdem(String p0)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.naqai(Object p0, Enum p1, Object[] p2)
at sfpmj.xkoxp.vocdo(Object p0)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult()
at EwsOAuth2.EwsOAuth2.VB$StateMachine7EwsRunAsync.MoveNext() in D:\CODE\Rebex\EWS_OAUTH2\EwsOAuth2\Module1.vb:line 41
2022-07-22 12:45:41.874 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] EWS: Executing Connect method.
2022-07-22 12:45:41.888 INFO Ews(1)[3] EWS: Connecting to https://outlook.office365.com:443 using Ews.
2022-07-22 12:45:41.889 INFO Ews(1)[3] Info: Assembly: Rebex.Ews R6.5 for .NET 4.0-4.8
2022-07-22 12:45:41.890 INFO Ews(1)[3] Info: Platform: Windows 6.2.9200 32-bit; CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
2022-07-22 12:45:41.890 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] Info: Culture: en; Windows-1252
2022-07-22 12:45:41.892 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Connecting to 'https://outlook.office365.com:443'...
2022-07-22 12:45:41.892 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] Info: Assembly: Rebex.Networking R6.5 for .NET 4.0-4.8
2022-07-22 12:45:41.892 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] Info: Platform: Windows 6.2.9200 32-bit; CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
2022-07-22 12:45:41.892 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] Info: Culture: en; Windows-1252
2022-07-22 12:45:41.902 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] Proxy: Resolving 'outlook.office365.com'.
2022-07-22 12:45:41.907 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] Proxy: Connecting to (no proxy).
2022-07-22 12:45:41.915 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] Proxy: Connection established.
2022-07-22 12:45:41.977 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Using classic TLS core.
2022-07-22 12:45:41.996 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Enabled cipher suites: 0x000F3DF7EBE00640.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.054 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Applicable cipher suites: 0x000F3DF7EBE00640.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.061 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ClientHello was sent.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.080 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ServerHello was received.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.081 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Negotiating TLS 1.2, RSA with ephemeral ECDH, AES with 256-bit key in GCM mode, AEAD.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.083 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: The server supports secure renegotiation.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.084 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Extended master secret is enabled.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.085 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: HandshakeMessage:Certificate was received.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.098 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ServerKeyExchange was received.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.098 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ServerHelloDone was received.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.100 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Verifying server certificate ('CN=outlook.com, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US').
2022-07-22 12:45:42.129 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Certificate verification result: Accept
2022-07-22 12:45:42.130 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Verifying server key exchange signature.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.152 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Using ephemeral ECDH public key exchange with NIST P-384 curve.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.161 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ClientKeyExchange was sent.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.174 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: CipherSpec:ChangeCipherSpec was sent.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.175 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: HandshakeMessage:Finished was sent.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.187 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: CipherSpec:ChangeCipherSpec was received.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.188 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: HandshakeMessage:Finished was received.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.189 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] TLS: Connection secured using cipher: TLS 1.2, RSA with ephemeral ECDH, AES with 256-bit key in GCM mode, AEAD.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.194 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Sending request: HEAD /EWS/Services.wsdl
2022-07-22 12:45:42.194 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: PreAuthenticate: False
2022-07-22 12:45:42.196 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Request Connection: keep-alive.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.199 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Sending request (119 bytes).
2022-07-22 12:45:42.224 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Received response: 401 Unauthorized.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.224 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Received 17 headers.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.224 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Response Content-Length: 0 bytes.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.224 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Response Connection not specified; using 'keep-alive'.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.224 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Response Content-Encoding not specified.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.227 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] HTTP: Server requires authentication: Basic Realm=""
2022-07-22 12:45:42.231 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] EWS: Server supports OAuth 2.0: True
2022-07-22 12:45:42.231 DEBUG Ews(1)[3] EWS: Connect succeeded.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.944 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] EWS: Executing Login method.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.949 INFO Ews(1)[4] EWS: Authenticating to Exchange server using OAuth 2.0.
2022-07-22 12:45:42.950 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] EWS: Executing GetFolderId method.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.018 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] SOAP: SOAP request:
2022-07-22 12:45:43.018 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Sending request: POST /EWS/Exchange.asmx
2022-07-22 12:45:43.018 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: PreAuthenticate: False
2022-07-22 12:45:43.018 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Request Connection: keep-alive.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.019 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Sending request (1807 bytes).
2022-07-22 12:45:43.020 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Sending 735 bytes of data.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.073 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Received response: 403 .
2022-07-22 12:45:43.073 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Received 29 headers.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.073 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Response Content-Length: 0 bytes.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.073 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Response Connection not specified; using 'keep-alive'.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.073 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Response Content-Encoding not specified.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.073 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Response Transfer-Encoding not specified.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.074 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Exchange cookie: xxxxxxx
2022-07-22 12:45:43.075 INFO Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Request failed: 403
2022-07-22 12:45:43.112 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Received content (0 bytes).
2022-07-22 12:45:43.113 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Closing response stream.
2022-07-22 12:45:43.128 ERROR Ews(1)[4] EWS: GetFolderId failed: System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at sfpmj.izcux.ymixu(XmlReader p0)
at sfpmj.xseyv.bxiva(Stream p0)
at sfpmj.cuajy.luwkk(gsnkd p0)
at sfpmj.cuajy.melup[T](String p0, Object p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.cdgrw(EwsFolderId p0, rmcbm p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.kzrqz.aoedu()
at Rebex.Net.Ews.dzvaj[T](String p0, Func1 p1, matxv p2)
2022-07-22 12:45:43.132 ERROR Ews(1)[4] EWS: Login failed: Rebex.Net.EwsException: Root element is missing. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at sfpmj.izcux.ymixu(XmlReader p0)
at sfpmj.xseyv.bxiva(Stream p0)
at sfpmj.cuajy.luwkk(gsnkd p0)
at sfpmj.cuajy.melup[T](String p0, Object p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.cdgrw(EwsFolderId p0, rmcbm p1)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.kzrqz.aoedu()
at Rebex.Net.Ews.dzvaj[T](String p0, Func
1 p1, matxv p2)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Rebex.Net.Ews.dzvaj[T](String p0, Func1 p1, matxv p2)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.ykvwe(EwsFolderId p0)
at Rebex.Net.Ews.asvjq.kgiye()
at Rebex.Net.Ews.dzvaj[T](String p0, Func
1 p1, matxv p2)
2022-07-22 12:45:49.419 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] HTTP: Closing HTTP session (1).
2022-07-22 12:45:49.419 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] TLS: Closing TLS socket.
2022-07-22 12:45:49.422 DEBUG Ews(1)[4] TLS: Alert:CloseNotify was sent.