I have been using the following block of code in an application for the past several months without any problem and now all of the sudden I'm getting a SftpException with the error message of "No such file; File not found.".
private void SendDataFtp(string data, string fileName)
byte[] fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(fileContents);
using (Sftp ftp = new Sftp())
ftp.Connect("address", 22);
ftp.Login("username", "password");
ftp.PutFile(ms, fileName);
I also updated my installation or at least I think I did. I'm using the following assemblies:
Rebex.Net.ProxySocket (version 2.0.4086.0)
Rebex.Net.Sftp (version 2.0.4086.0)
Rebex.Net.Ssh (version 2.0.4086.0)
What's the problem? Not sure why it's complaining that it can't find a file when I'm not trying to get a file but rather upload a file.