Thanks for explain, i am now trying the telnet virtual terminal emulation, with a rs232 backend.
If you have any coding example please forward; the kind of comm's i have is like:
(sorry for awful presentation)
<itm1> <col1> <col2> <col3> <col4> <col5> [K
<itm2> <col1> <col2> <col3> <col4> <col5> [K
<itm3> <col1> <col2> <col3> <col4> <col5> [K
<itm4> <col1> <col2> <col3> <col4> <col5> [K
of which i am only interested of some columns data. As is possible to see from capture log, it is only a status broadcasted data, unidirectional, with items or rows from 1 to 50. My concern is the rs232 realtime update (3 per second) and the fact that there is no end of page indication; i can only rely on cursor positioning to 0,0 to start recapture new data.
I am not a coding professional, however i can grasp the basics and try to improve.