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by (270 points)


When I am crawling hotmail account concurrently then it gives exception as "login allowed only every 15 minutes" sometimes. And if I crawl it after 15 minutes but it doesnt crawl the actual mails because in the log I see mails crawled count as zero. This is inconsistent behavior.

Applies to: Rebex Secure Mail
by (18.0k points)

Would you be so kind and edit your question by adding more information in following matters:

  • quote the whole exception that reports "login allowed only every 15 times" including the stack trace (or better as a fragment of log)
  • what do you mean "it does not crawl the actual mails"
  • define, how does the "mail crawled count" is computed
by (270 points)

1) Stack trace I will give you shortly 2) Means even if recent unread mails are there but while crawling it doesnt read those mails. 3) define, how does the "mail crawled count" is computed - > imapConnection.Search(ImapSearchParameter.Not(ImapSearchParameter.Deleted)).Count

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

Please better send us whole part of the log. Your problem is quite complex and we need to examine whole communication from openning connection through reading mails up to closing the IMAP connection.
