If you want to allow authentication using password OR public key, you have to allow both for the whole server using this line of code.
// allow 'password' and/or 'public key' authentication
server.Settings.AllowedAuthenticationMethods =
AuthenticationMethods.PublicKey | AuthenticationMethods.Password
Then you can authenticate a user based on provided password OR public key
// register authentication event handler
server.Authentication += (sender, e) =>
if (e.UserName == userName)
if (e.Password != null)
// when authenticating using a password, make sure it is correct
// compare password from the authentication event with the password associated
// with the user
if (e.Password == password)
e.Accept(new FileServerUser(e.UserName, null, virtualRoot));
else if (e.Key != null)
// when authenticating using a key, make sure it is correct
// compare public key from the authentication event with the public key associated
// with the user
if (e.Key.Equals(publicKey))
e.Accept(new FileServerUser(e.UserName, null, virtualRoot));
// if no correct credential was supplied, reject this authentication attempt
If you need to authenticate some users using password and some users using public key, please read our advanced authentication documentation page.