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I’m using the Rebex SFTP component in a .NET application to upload files to an AWS S3 bucket via an SFTP Gateway.

While small file uploads work seamlessly; larger file uploads (100MB+) often fail / time out. I’ve configured the necessary AWS settings and ensured my network is stable; but the issue persists.

Has anyone experienced similar issues when integrating Rebex SFTP with AWS S3?
Are there specific timeout settings or best practices I should follow to optimize the transfer? I have checked https://forum.rebex.net/701/there-solution-timeout-functionality-getuploadstream-upload and aws developer guide for reference but still need help.

Any advice on debugging ; resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you !

Applies to: Rebex SFTP
ago by (147k points)
We are not aware of any issues with AWS SFTP gateway. The timeout issue you referenced have been fixed almost 14 years ago. Which version of Rebex SFTP do you use? When it fails or times out, what does the exception message say?

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