Hi Lukas, thanks for the explanation.
We just got a reply from the customer but unfortunately, the problem persists.
Here is the log up to the response to the PWD command:
2022-03-10 14:48:54.479 Opening log file.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.480 INFO FileLogWriter(5)[1] Info: Assembly: Rebex.Common R6.1 for .NET 4.6-4.8
2022-03-10 14:48:54.480 INFO FileLogWriter(5)[1] Info: Platform: Windows 10.0.19042 64-bit; CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
2022-03-10 14:48:54.480 DEBUG FileLogWriter(5)[1] Info: Culture: en; Windows-1252
2022-03-10 14:48:54.606 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Info: Connecting to using Ftp.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.606 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Info: Assembly: Rebex.Ftp R6.1 for .NET 4.6-4.8
2022-03-10 14:48:54.606 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Info: Platform: Windows 10.0.19042 64-bit; CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
2022-03-10 14:48:54.613 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] Info: Culture: en; Windows-1252
2022-03-10 14:48:54.613 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Info: Using proxy +.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.615 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] Info: Connection succeeded.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.656 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: 220-FTP 14:48:54 on 2022-03-10.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.664 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 8 minutes, 20 seconds.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.677 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Command: AUTH TLS
2022-03-10 14:48:54.731 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: 234 Security environment established - ready for negotiation
2022-03-10 14:48:54.731 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] Info: Upgrading control connection to TLS.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.731 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: Using classic TLS core.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.738 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: Enabled cipher suites: 0x000F3DF7EBE00640.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.738 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: Applicable cipher suites: 0x000F3DF7EBE00640.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.738 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ClientHello was sent.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.753 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ServerHello was received.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.753 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: Negotiating TLS 1.2, RSA, AES with 256-bit key in GCM mode, AEAD.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.753 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: The server supports secure renegotiation.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.754 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: HandshakeMessage:Certificate was received.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.754 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ServerHelloDone was received.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.754 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: Verifying server certificate ('CN=xxxxx, OU=xx, O=xxxx, L=xxx, S=xxx, C=xx').
2022-03-10 14:48:54.756 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: Certificate verification result: Accept
2022-03-10 14:48:54.757 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ClientKeyExchange was sent.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.757 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: CipherSpec:ChangeCipherSpec was sent.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.758 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: HandshakeMessage:Finished was sent.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.777 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: CipherSpec:ChangeCipherSpec was received.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.777 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: HandshakeMessage:Finished was received.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.777 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] TLS: Connection secured using cipher: TLS 1.2, RSA, AES with 256-bit key in GCM mode, AEAD.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.778 DEBUG FileTransferClient(3)[8] Info: Control connection upgraded to TLS 1.2.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.815 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Command: USER xxxxxxx
2022-03-10 14:48:54.832 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: 331 Send password please.
2022-03-10 14:48:54.841 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Command: PASS **********
2022-03-10 14:48:54.888 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: 230 xxxxxxx is logged on. Working directory is "TSVT.".
2022-03-10 14:48:54.898 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Command: FEAT
2022-03-10 14:48:54.915 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: 211- Extensions supported
2022-03-10 14:48:54.921 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: AUTH TLS
2022-03-10 14:48:54.926 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: PBSZ
2022-03-10 14:48:54.931 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: PROT
2022-03-10 14:48:54.936 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[8] Response: 211 End
2022-03-10 14:48:54.948 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[4] Command: PWD
2022-03-10 14:48:54.958 INFO FileTransferClient(3)[4] Response: 257 "'TSVT.'" is working directory.
It seems the proxy wasn't being used for some reason.
From the log it does say "Using proxy .+"
(I think because the class name is obfuscated so it only shows the ".+")
Do you have any idea?